Clockwise on the plate, from the top.
Sook tay, a piece of dried mandarin peel, fai sun, 1 handful black dates, tong sum, 1 handful red dates and in the middle, 1 handful kay chee and 4 carrots.
Boil all this in 6 bowls of water with fish, you can use flathead, ( in singapore or malaysia you can find , sang yee, this fish is said to be good for this herbal soup.)or use any fish that is good for soup.
Simmer 1 1/2 hrs.
No seasoning is needed, the soup will be black and taste sweet and pleasant to drink.
This soup has a healing effect on injuries, and after operations.
From my own experiance and friends', drinking this soup after an injury , Twice a week over 2 months, the wound healed very well and your skin is much clearer.
copyright.(c) by May Fam 2006.